make an assumption

美 [meɪk ən əˈsʌmpʃn]英 [meɪk ən əˈsʌmpʃn]
  • 作出假设
make an assumptionmake an assumption
  1. Make an assumption that mould is rigid body ;


  2. We can make an assumption about these things the first time out , and then remember them for all subsequent invocations .


  3. The software is dumb enough to make an assumption that because two folders have the same name , I meant to throw the old one away .


  4. In this way , we do not make an assumption on the model any more , but start from the communications , completed the detection of hidden group positively .


  5. As you can see , when you use intermediate mode or higher , you can control the behavior , rather than having Modeler make an assumption of what you want to do .


  6. When evolutionary psychologists notice a universal aspect of how people perceive the world , they make an assumption : that slice of human nature must have been adaptive for our distant ancestors .


  7. In this work , we adopt latency as the cost metric and , as already mentioned , make an assumption that the path cost between two communicating services is their distance cost in the Internet .


  8. Among plural intellectual theory of Gardiner , logic mathematics intelligence means people can calculate , quantize , think about the proposition and make an assumption , carry on the ability of complicated operation .


  9. While some suppliers suggest a 20-30 % Q / Q step down in March , it is difficult to say what inventory already exists in the channel to make an assumption on March units .


  10. Based on the measured horizontal displacements of the piles at the site , this paper tries to make an analysis on the assumption that the soil is elastic .
